HTC India has launched their new offering HTC Desire 616 Dual SIM in India in a launch event at New Delhi on 11th July 2014 along with the launch of the HTC One E8. The phone is powered by a 1.4 GHz Octacore CPU, has a large 5 inch display with a display resolution of 1280×720 pixels. It fairly slim at 9.15 mm, has large 2000 mAh battery, comes with 4 GB internal memory, has 1 GB RAM and looks fairly stylish and sturdy.
Tag Archive for Smartphone
Samsung Galaxy K Zoom Launched In India At Rs. 29,999- Features & Details
by Harsh Gupta •
Samsung took wraps off the Galaxy K Zoom smartphone in India. Much like Galaxy S4 Zoom was a beefed up version of the Galaxy S4, the Galaxy K Zoom follows the same ideology but with Galaxy S5 design inheritance. The Galaxy K Zoom is camera specialized smartphone which offers an advanced technical camera system to give consumers the best of both worlds – a versatile android smartphone & a capable digital camera. Read on to find out the detailed specifications, analysis, pricing and availability.
Moto E VS Micromax Unite 2 VS Lava Iris X1: Which Is The Best Budget Android Phone?
by Rohit Khurana •
Motorola Moto E, Micromax Unite 2 And Lava Iris X1 are the hottest affordable phones in the Indian smartphone market and they offer some really good features at a really competitive price of around Rs. 7000. All these three phones have more similarities than differences, which makes it even harder for a buyer to decide which one is the best choice among these three.
We are here to help you make up your mind with all the information you need so that you can make a more informed decision about which if these three fits your needs the best. Not all users need same features, so it varies from user to user, which is why we compare these phones in details and give you our verdict. So lets start with our comparison of Moto E VS Unite 2 VS Iris X1 on all practical aspects like features, performance, build, software, hardware, gaming, battery life etc.
Xolo Q1011 and Q2000L launched online with Android 4.4 Kitkat and quad core chipset
by Nitesh Rathore •
Xolo launched two new Android smartphones in Indian market, Xolo Q1011 and Xolo Q2000L priced INR 9,999 and INR 10,299 respectively. Both the smartphones are available online.The Xolo Q1011 available on TheXolo Q2000L available on Indiatimes Shopping
Swipe Konnect 4E 4-inch single core Android smartphone priced at INR3,499
by Nitesh Rathore • introduced a new Android smartphone in India. The new smartphone Swipe Konnect 4E is exclusively available in India only on for price INR 3,499. The new smartphone Swipe Konnect 4E launched under Swipe’s Konnect series exclusively.
Sony Xperia T2 Ultra Review: Mighty Phablet
by Harsh Gupta •
With aggressive competition in mid range phablet (Phone Tablet Hybrid) category, every manufacturer is keen on pushing out the best possible combination of features and build quality. Samsung came out with Galaxy Grand 2, HTC with Desire 816 and now it’s Sony’s turn. Sony took wraps off Xperia T2 Ultra Dual in India with a price tag of 24,990/-. It comes with a Dual Sim card support (as opposed to Single SIM International variant). Read on to find out the Sony Xperia T2 Ultra review in detail, specifications, hands on videos and gaming performance of the device. Also, our expert analysis to find out how it stacks up against the competition.
Micromax Canvas Gold with aluminium gold finish 5.5-inch display octa-core processor launched at INR23,999
by Nitesh Rathore •
So after the big announcement in Windows Phone segment, the top second smartphone vendor Micromax came up with another Android smartphone launch Micromax Canvas Gold A300. The smartphone is only forth from the company, running latest operating system Kitkat 4.4 out of the box. The previous smartphones running Android 4.4 Kitkat were Micromax Canvas Unite 2, Micromax Canvas Engage and Micromax Canvas Entice. And if we consider the online listed correctly the new Android smartphone sports some high-end specifications as well like full HD IPS display and Sony Image sensors inside it.