ZTE has launched its latest budget smartphone ZTE N919D in India. The handset is available exclusively through e-commerce portal eBay India. The device supports both both CDMA EVDO & GSM technology. Additionally, the N919D comes bundled with attractive offers for Reliance communications subscribers. The existing as well as new RCom subscribers will be offered unlimited data for three months on purchase of this device. Read on to find more information on specifications, features, price and availability of this device.
Tag Archive for Smartphone
Samsung Galaxy Grand 3 India Launch Next Week Exclusively On Snapdeal
by Deepali Sharma •
Updated on 11th Feb 2015
As per a teaser image we got from one of our sources, the Samsung Galaxy Grand 3 is coming to India exclusively on Snapdeal in the 3rd week of Feb 2015. The Samsung Galaxy Grand 3 is the successor of the popular Grand 2 which is a high volume mid segment phone known for its large display and relatively lower price. The phone will feature a 5.25 inch HD display, quad core CPU, a set of powerful cameras (13 MP and 5 MP at rear and front respectively). The price of the same is expected to be around Rs. 20,000 mark. Since it is an exclusive launch with Snapdeal, the pricing will be aggressive. Stay tuned for more details as they unveil. Do sign up for our free email newsletter to never miss an update.
Featured, Smartphone
Lenovo Sisley S90 vs Samsung Galaxy A5 vs Samsung Galaxy E5: Specifications & Features Comaprison
by Deepali Sharma •
Lenovo has launched its latest smartphone Lenovo Sisley S90 in India. The device is iPhone look alike and is priced at Rs. 19,990. The device draws inspiration from iPhone 6 in its aesthetics. The Sisley S90 will compete with the likes of Samsung Galaxy A5 and Samsung Galaxy E5 in the Indian smartphone market. If you are not able to decide which handset you should buy, let us help you in reaching to right decision with this post. Read on to find out how Lenovo Sisley S90 vs Samsung Galaxy A5 vs Samsung Galaxy E5 compare with each other in specifications and features.
HTC Desire 526G+ Review: Low On Price, High On Performance
by Rohit Khurana •
HTC has offered the HTC 526G+ in India with solid performance at an affordable price segment of Rs. 10,400 for the 8GB model which is available exclusively on Snapdeal. In this post we share with you our review of the HTC Desire 526G+ based on our experience with the phone. Some of the USPs of this phone are a super fast processor which is a powerful octacore 1.7 GHz CPU my mediatek coupled with 1 GB of RAM. To top up the offering, there is a highly refined and popular HTC Sense UI which makes it even more lucrative offering for buyers who have used HTC phones and are familiar with the HTC UI. Lets talks about the strong and weak points of the HTC 526G+ in detail. You can also see our quick video review below.
Intex Aqua Q3 & Aqua X15 Launched: Price, Specs & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
Intex has set the ball rolling in the Indian smartphone market. Intex has launched its two new budget smartphones, Intex Aqua Q3 & Aqua X15 in India. Both the devices are not yet listed on company’s official website but are available for sale online through e-commerce portals. Intex had also launched Intex Aqua X and Aqua 5X earlier this month. Read on to find more information on specifications, features, price and availability of Intex Aqua Q3 and Aqua X15.
Intex Aqua X Launched In India: Price, Specs, Features & Details
by Deepali Sharma •
Soon after launching, its two budget smartphones Intex Aqua 5X and Aqua 3G Star this month, Intex has launched another affordable smartphone in the Aqua series, namely Intex Aqua X in India. The Aqua X is suitable for first time buyers who want their device to be equipped with decent features at a reasonable price. Under the hood, the dual-SIM Intex Aqua is powered by 1.3 GHz Dual-core processor coupled with 256 MB of RAM. Running on Android 4.4.2 KitKat operating system, it features a 3.5 inch HVGA display with 320 x 480 pixels resolution. Read on to find more information on specifications, features, price and availability of this device.
Featured, Smartphone
Lava Iris X8 vs Yu Yureka vs Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G: Specifications & Features Comparison
by Deepali Sharma •
Lava has launched its new smartphone Lava Iris X8, expanding its Iris series. It will go on sale starting from today exclusively via Flipkart with a price tag of Rs. 8,999. The Iris X8 will compete with the likes of Yu Yureka and Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G in the Indian smartphone market. In you are going to buy a smartphone and are confused among the three handsets Lava Iris X8 vs Yu Yureka vs Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G, then check out this post to find out which device is better. In this post, we will take you through the comparison of specifications and features of the three smartphones. Lets see how Lava Iris X8 vs Yu Yureka vs Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G compare with each other in terms of features and specifications.