Oppo has launched its latest smartphone dubbed the Oppo Joy 3 in India. As far as specifications of the device are concerned, it is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6582M processor paired with Mali-400MP2 GPU and 1GB of RAM. Running Android 4.4 KitKat wrapped under Color OS 2.0 UI, the phone features a 4.5-inch FWVGA display with 854×480 pixels resolution and 217ppi pixel density.
The device houses 4GB of inbuilt storage which is expandable up to 32GB using microSD card. Backed up by a 200mAh battery, it is claimed to deliver up to 180 hours of standby time. It comes with a 5 mega pixel rear camera with f/2.4 aperture as well as a 2 mega pixel front facing camera. The handset boasts of Pure Image 2.0+ core imaging technology.