Huawei is reportedly working on a new entry-level smartphone called the Huawei Y6 Scale, leaked specifications of which have surfaced online. The device is expected to be powered by a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 210 processor coupled with Adreno 304 GPU and 1GB of RAM. It will feature a 5-inch display with 1280×720 pixels resolution and 294ppi pixel density. The handset will come with 8GB of inbuilt storage onboard.
On software front, it will run Android 5.0 operating system wrapped under Huawei’s Emotion UI. The device will sport an 8 mega pixel rear camera and a 2 mega pixel front facing camera. Measuring 8.3mm in thickness, it will be backed up by a 2200mAh battery. As for connectivity, it will offer 4G LTE, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth options.