Expanding its Flair series, Lava has launched a new budget smartphone- Lava Flair P1i in the Indian market. Under the hood, it is powered by a 1.0GHz processor paired with 256MB of RAM and runs Android 4.4 KitKat operating system. The handset features a 4-inch WVGA TFT display with 800×480 pixels resolution. It sports a 2 mega pixel rear camera and a 0.3 mega pixel front facing camera.
There is 512MB of inbuilt storage which comes and microSD card support for expandable storage up to 32GB. Backed up by a 1400mAh battery, it measures 122.4×63.4×10.15 mm in dimensions and weighs 110 grams. Connectivity options include 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS.