Vivo has launched its latest smartphone in India, called the Vivo Y55L. It succeeds the Y51L smartphone which was launched earlier this year in January 2016. The Y55L flaunts its premium metal unibody design. The Y55L comes with numerous upgrades over the predecessor such as better display, faster processor and larger battery, among others.
Tag Archive for Smartphone
Honor History In India: Re-Defining The Smartphone
by Deepali Sharma •
Huawei’s e-brand Honor needs no introduction. Operating successfully since more than 2 years in India, it has become a hot favourite brand among the people. What unique do Honor devices offer? What makes this brand stand apart from competition? Let’s find out in this post.
Intex Aqua Strong 5.2 With 5-inch Display, 4G VoLTE Launched At Rs. 6,390: Specifications & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
Intex has expanded its Aqua series of smartphones with the launch of Intex Aqua Strong 5.2. As for specifications, it features a 5-inch FWVGA display with 854×480 pixels resolution and 196ppi pixel density. The screen is protected against scratches by Corning Gorilla Glass 2.
Google Pixel vs Apple iPhone 7 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 Comparison
by Deepali Sharma •
Google has announced its new Pixel series smartphones- Pixel and Pixel XL. Both devices will be up against smartphones from giants like Apple and Samsung. Read on to find out how Google Pixel vs Apple iPhone 7 vs Samsung Galaxy S7 compare with each other in terms of price, specifications and features.
Google Pixel, Pixel XL Smartphones Launched: Price, Specifications & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
Google has finally taken the wraps off its much anticipated smartphones- Google Pixel and Pixel XL. Both smartphones share identical design and similar specifications and are differentiated only on the basis of display size and battery capacity. Both devices feature a fingerprint scanner on the front and come with unlimited cloud storage. Read on to find out details on specifications, features, availability and price of Google’s Pixel series smartphones.
Karbonn Titanium Vista, Titanium 3-D Plex Smartphones Launched: Price & Specs
by Deepali Sharma •
Karbonn has launched its two new budget smartphones, called the Karbonn Titanium Vista and Titanium 3-D Plex. The Titanium 3-D Plex, as the name suggests, comes bundled with 3D glasses and offers a cinematic 3D experience to the users.
Moto Z, Moto Z Play Launched In India: Price, Specifications & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
Lenovo owned Motorola has launched its much awaited smartphones- Moto Z and Moto Z Play along with Moto Mods in India. The main highlight of these phones is that they feature magnetic snap-on rear panels that allow users to snap on an external accessory or module to it. These external modules are called Moto Mods and include JBL SoundBoost, Moto Insta-Share Projector and Power Pack module among others.