Google is now finally shipping its hardware in India. Starting with the tablets first, Google brought the base model of their tablets that is the Nexus 7, 16GB wifi only variant in India. Google Nexus 7 is the 7-inch Android tablet which has is manufactured by ASUS. The scratch-resistant Corning glass with back-lit IPS display features a 7-inch 1280×800 pixels resolution HD display with 216 pixels-per-inch density. It measures 198.5 x 120 x 10.45mm in dimensions and 340 gms in weight. It runs on NVIDIA Tegra 3 quad-core processor and 1 GB RAM by 4325 mAH which gives up to 8 hours of active usage.
Top 10 Air Purifiers In India
Many Indian cities have a high level of air pollution which varies around the year. Despite, taking measures to reduce…
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