Samsung India has launched two very affordable android Smartphones phones in Galaxy series named GALAXY Trend (GT-S7392) and the GALAXY Star Pro (GT-S7262). The Samsung Galaxy Trend has been priced at Rs. 8290 while the Galaxy Star Pro has been priced at Rs. 6750. Sub-Rs.10000 segment of smartphones in India is getting hotter day by day with more and more offerings in smartphones under Rs. 10,000 by various Indian as well as international brands. Samsung has always had phoned in this segment, but with time, they need to move forward with newer products, which is why the Trend and Star Pro are here.
In this article, we share with you all the details and features of these smartphones and lets discuss how much value for money these phones have on the offer when it comes to their positioning in this price bracket.
Samsung Galaxy Star Pro Features And Specifications
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