Videocon Group launched a 7 inch tablet in Indian market along with 3G calling facility. This tablet has pretty decent specifications at price Rs 8999/-. But I don’t think this tablet is worthy at this price point because you can get Nexus 7 tablet at only thousand more price which has better specifications, if, you don’t consider the calling facility of Videocon tablet. Yes, Nexus 7 does not have calling facility, but it has the better processor and more storage than Videocon tablet. So at a price Rs. 8999/- this deal does not sounds good. And you can say if you want to buy a 7 inch tablet under INR 10,000 Nexus 7 is for everyone.
Top 10 Air Purifiers In India
Many Indian cities have a high level of air pollution which varies around the year. Despite, taking measures to reduce…
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