Micromax has launched another new affordable smartphone in Indian market. This new smartphone name Micomax A66 is listed on company website and is available at priced around INR 5610. Recently Micromax already announced two smartphones Micromax Bolt A28 and Micromax Bolt A59 in Indian market which was priced around INR 3,674 and INR 4,542 respectively. Although these smartphones are not available in the market yet. The Micromax A66 is an affordable smartphone, as per specifications and price it’s a good entry level smartphone, but you have to compromise with performance. If you have a budget around 6000 then go for it, otherwise it will be not a good performer due to low RAM and cheap hardware in it.
Top 10 Air Purifiers In India
Many Indian cities have a high level of air pollution which varies around the year. Despite, taking measures to reduce…
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