As we have told you earlier about the red Nexus 5 leaked in photos. Finally, the Red colour Google Nexus 5 is available in Indian Play Store for purchase. In addition, it is also available in other countries Play Store like U.K, USA, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, Korea and HongKong. The Red Nexus 5 was leaked online in last week of January by tipster. But now it’s been official everywhere around the world. Now we have three colour options for Google Nexus 5 as now it comes in Black, White and Red with two memory variants of 32GB and 16GB. The red Nexus 5 in 16GB priced around INR 28,990 and for 32GB you have to pay INR 32,999 via Indian play store. And as Google play store mentioned it will be delivered to the customer in 1-2 business day only.
Top 10 Air Purifiers In India
Many Indian cities have a high level of air pollution which varies around the year. Despite, taking measures to reduce…
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