LG announced three smartphones under L series, runs on latest Android 4.4 Kitkat operating system. The LG L90, LG L70 and LG L40 will be unveiled at the LG event in Mobile World Congress 2014 in Barcelona. All smartphone has decent specifications as they dubbed in mid-range series. The LG L40 is most affordable device among three and LG L90 is most premium among three. LG G90 has 4.7-inch IPS qHD display along with 960*540 pixel resolution. It has 1.2GHz quad core processor along with 1GB RAM on board. There is 8GB internal storage in smartphone with no words on memory card support. The smartphone has 2540 mAh battery.
Top 10 Air Purifiers In India
Many Indian cities have a high level of air pollution which varies around the year. Despite, taking measures to reduce…
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