I am a big fan of Swiftkey keyboard, as I am using it from so long time and its always handy to use it when I need to just send a ping to someone or even if I need to make a big note on my Android smartphone. I am so addicted to it that I can type with it while flowing words with my big fingers without even looking to keyboard words. It also comes handy to me while typing in Hinglish as it automatically tracks what you type, it predicts exactly same that you are looking for. Before the Swiftkey, while I was just beginner android user, I also tried the Swype Keyboard, Swiping from one word to another was just fun with Swype keyboard, but the word prediction was not accurate with it as SwiftKey gives you. With Swype you need to Swype many words as it takes so long to learn from your input. Therefore, when I switched to SwiftKey I did not look back. However, for a period I also tried the TouchPal X keyboard, which also offers the same features that Swiftkey offers with some new sort of user interface and contextual prediction. The reason why I tried the TouchPal X keyboard, because of its bigger keyboards and customizable layout really attracted me. And when you press a key and swipe to the space bar, it suggests you next words, this feature was also attractive that one wants to use, so that I tried TouchPal X Keyboard, but as usual I switched to SwiftKey again. I switched to Swiftkey because of the typing speed it gives me, and also I don’t find any importance over the SwiftKey that other keyboard offers.

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