Asus India has come up with three new smartphones, launching a new series called ZenFone. The most affordable smartphone in this series is ZenPhone 4 priced at Rs. 5999 in India and then moving ahead ZenPhone 5 8GB at Rs. 9,999 and Zenphone 6 launched at Rs. 16,999 at a launch event in New Delhi India on 9th of July 2014. As the name suggest, ZenPhone 4 has 4 inch display, ZenPhone 5 has 5 inch display followed by ZenPhone 6 that has 6 inch display. Not only the display bumps up as the series go on but features like Pixels, Camera, Processors and Storage too increases as the series go on ahead. We have mentioned all specifications of ZenPhone series smartphone below. All three smartphones come in five colours variants – Charcoal Black, Pearl White, Cherry Red, Sky Blue and Solar Yellow. Pricing and availability of these smartphones is not mentioned by Asus.
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