Contrary to the price of Rs. 6,999 announced in July 2014 by Xiaomi India, the Xiaomi Redmi 1S has been launched at an even lower price of Rs. 5,999 in India by Xiaomi. It will go on sale from 2nd of September 2014 and the registrations for the sale have already started on Flipkart and Xiaomi India official website. The Xiamo Redmi 1S will be sold exclusively on Flipkart only, just like other Xiaomi phones in India (Mi 3). The phone has an excellent value proposition at this price point because there is virtually no competition at this price. Also the phone does put phones at much higher price to shame with the kind of specs and features it offers. We had a chance to experience the phone at a Bloggers Meet in Delhi on 26th August and we bring you our first hand impressions, video review and reasons why we believe that Xiaomi Redmi 1S is a winner in the price segment.
Top 10 Air Purifiers In India
Many Indian cities have a high level of air pollution which varies around the year. Despite, taking measures to reduce…
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