Leading mobile handset maker Lenovo has launched its Lenovo S580 smartphone in India. This smartphone is powered by 1.2 GHz Quad core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and runs on Android 4.3 Jellybean operating system. It features a 5 inch HD display with 1280 x 720 resolution and entails 1 GB RAM and 8 GB internal storage (expandable up to 32 GB with a MicroSD card). It sports an 8 mega pixel rear camera with auto-focus camera and 2 mega pixel front facing camera, which clicks superior quality pictures. It packs a 2150 mAh lithium polymer battery which claims to deliver 9 hours of talk time and 18.5 days of standby. This smartphone includes 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0 as connectivity options.
Top 10 Air Purifiers In India
Many Indian cities have a high level of air pollution which varies around the year. Despite, taking measures to reduce…
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