Swipe Telecom has launched a new tablet offering in its latest Swipe series- Swipe Slate Pro. Talking about the technical specifications, this tablet is powered by a 1.3 GHz Quad-Core processor and runs on Android 4.4 KitKat operating system. It comes equipped with a 9.7 inch IPS capacitive multi-touch display with 1024 x 768 pixel resolution. It sports a 2 mega pixel rear camera and 0.3 mega pixel or VGA front facing camera. It is enabled with voice calling and packs a 6400 mAh battery. As connectivity options, it includes GPS, 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0.
Top 10 Air Purifiers In India
Many Indian cities have a high level of air pollution which varies around the year. Despite, taking measures to reduce…
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