Panasonic has launched its first and flagship smartphone in India on 16th May 2013 in New Delhi India. The Phone is called Panasonic P51 which is a mighty phone, in fact in terms of form factor, its quite large with a 5 inch display. The screen of P51 offers a 5 inch touchscreen HD display with a 1280×720 pixels display resolution. The phone is given a premium look and comes with a premium leather Flip cover and a capacitive stylus with it. It has been priced at Rs. 26,900 MRP.
The Panasonic P51 is powered by a 1.2 GHz quad core CP, 1GB or RAM and runs Android Jelly Bean OS right out of the box. It has an 8 Megapixel camera with autofocus and flash along with a 1.3 MP front facing camera. The rear camera as well as front camera are both capable of HD video recording.