Lava Mobiles this summer launched their flagship mobile Iris 504Q with quad-core processor, 1GB RAM and 8Mp camera. The USP of the handset was gesture controls which made it different from other quad-core handsets in the same range. There was a news trending that Lava might launch sub 5k 3G enabled Android very soon and now that news has come true.
BlackBerry 9720 Announced with BB OS 7.1, 2.8-inch Display and 512 MB RAM
by Hans Gogia •
After launching BB10 and three of its devices in Q1 2013 BlackBerry has not been able to do much of the profits. During the Q1 earnings call, BlackBerry announced that they shall launch a BB OS 7.1 handset very soon and on 13th August 2013 we have it announced.
Lava Iris 504Q Review
by Rohit Khurana •
Lava Iris 504Q another quad-core MediaTek powered budget Android smartphone launched in India for Rs.13,499 which comes with 1GB of RAM and 4GB internal memory but what makes it different from others? Read our review below.
Fix Smartphone Low Battery Troubles With Simple Portable Battery Pack
by Rohit Khurana •
The world is going mobile. Recent studies prove that data consumption globally is now shifting to smartphone and tablets which was earlier limited to desktops and laptops. People who used to work on desktops shifted to laptops because they needed something more portable. And with the increasing popularity of tablets and smartphones I am sure we all have seen the enormous growth in our surroundings.
Apple to Reportedly Unveil the Next iPhone on September 10
by Hans Gogia •
World’s most awaited phone of the year Apple iPhone is ready to hit the markets. AllThingsD reported that Apple will unveil the next iPhone at an event on September 10, 2013. It will be exactly an year for the iPhone launch on September 12, 2012 to this September 10, 2013 which was too predicted by AllThingsD.
Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 Vs Huawei Ascent Mate – War Of The Best Phablet
by Rohit Khurana •
Huawei Ascend mate company’s first phablet device and starting a new series is out in the market with the Samsung Galaxy Mega being the first opponent. So let’s have a head-on comparison between the two.
How To
[How-to] Revert Back to Google Talk from Hangouts
by Rohit Khurana •
Google Hangouts the new instant messaging service introduced by Google this I/O is the new communication medium for Google users. Hangouts has replaced Google Talk one of the most popular instant messaging service expanding it limits to reach new heights but some of the users are not able to head that way.