Asus India has come up with three new smartphones, launching a new series called ZenFone. The most affordable smartphone in this series is ZenPhone 4 priced at Rs. 5999 in India and then moving ahead ZenPhone 5 8GB at Rs. 9,999 and Zenphone 6 launched at Rs. 16,999 at a launch event in New Delhi India on 9th of July 2014. As the name suggest, ZenPhone 4 has 4 inch display, ZenPhone 5 has 5 inch display followed by ZenPhone 6 that has 6 inch display. Not only the display bumps up as the series go on but features like Pixels, Camera, Processors and Storage too increases as the series go on ahead. We have mentioned all specifications of ZenPhone series smartphone below. All three smartphones come in five colours variants – Charcoal Black, Pearl White, Cherry Red, Sky Blue and Solar Yellow. Pricing and availability of these smartphones is not mentioned by Asus.
Samsung Galaxy K Zoom Launched In India At Rs. 29,999- Features & Details
by Harsh Gupta •
Samsung took wraps off the Galaxy K Zoom smartphone in India. Much like Galaxy S4 Zoom was a beefed up version of the Galaxy S4, the Galaxy K Zoom follows the same ideology but with Galaxy S5 design inheritance. The Galaxy K Zoom is camera specialized smartphone which offers an advanced technical camera system to give consumers the best of both worlds – a versatile android smartphone & a capable digital camera. Read on to find out the detailed specifications, analysis, pricing and availability.
Moto E VS Micromax Unite 2 VS Lava Iris X1: Which Is The Best Budget Android Phone?
by Rohit Khurana •
Motorola Moto E, Micromax Unite 2 And Lava Iris X1 are the hottest affordable phones in the Indian smartphone market and they offer some really good features at a really competitive price of around Rs. 7000. All these three phones have more similarities than differences, which makes it even harder for a buyer to decide which one is the best choice among these three.
We are here to help you make up your mind with all the information you need so that you can make a more informed decision about which if these three fits your needs the best. Not all users need same features, so it varies from user to user, which is why we compare these phones in details and give you our verdict. So lets start with our comparison of Moto E VS Unite 2 VS Iris X1 on all practical aspects like features, performance, build, software, hardware, gaming, battery life etc.
LAVA Magnum X604 Quad-core phablet launched at Rs 11999
by Harsh Gupta •
Lava launched its Magnum X604 phablet device today with a 6″ HD screen, Quad core processor and an advanced 8 MP camera with a BSI sensor. The device comes with a sleek profile (8.9 mm thickness) and sports a price tag of Rs 11999. Read on to find out the detailed specifications, availability and analysis.
Spice Smart Pulse Smartwatch Phone With Calling Launch In India At Rs. 3999
by Rohit Khurana •
Spice Mobile in an exclusive launch event in New Delhi India has today launched a very interesting wearable gadget. Its called Spice Smart Pulse M-9010 and it comes as a wearable phone which comes with standalone phone functionality with Dual SIM capability.
Gionee Elife S5.5has got an Android KitkTat 4.4 update
by Neha Sawhney •
The Gionee Elife S5.5 has roll out the latest version of Android Kitkit 4.4. GSM Arena reports that the Android 4.4.2 update over ELIFE S5.5 is 865MB in size. When the device was launched it was on Jelly Bean 4.2.2 as OS.
Karbonn launches affordable Smartphone on Flipkart
by Neha Sawhney •
Karbonn mobiles today launched an exclusive range of budget smartphones on Flipkart, an India’s largest eCommerce site starting at Rs. 2699.