Domestic mobile phone maker Karbonn has launched its Karbonn Titanium S25 Klick in India. Featuring a 13 mega pixel rear camera and 5 mega pixel front facing camera, this smartphone comes as an affordable offering from Karbonn for selfie lovers in India. With Rs. 7,820 price tag, it looks value for money for the buyers.
Karbonn Titanium S25 Klick is powered by 1.3 GHz quad-core processor and runs on Android 4.4 KitKat operating system. This dual SIM phone features a 5-inch 720p HD display. It sports a 13 mega pixel rear camera and a 5 mega pixel front facing camera. Both the cameras provided in this phone makes this smartphone superior than others in the same price segment. The 5 mega pixel camera is most likely to be admired by selfie lovers in Indian smartphone market. It is equipped with 1GB of RAM and 8GB of internal storage (Expandable up to 32 GB via microSD card). It packs a 2000 mAh battery. Connectivity options include 3G, WiFi and Bluetooth.