Toshiba India has launched its Toshiba WT-8 Windows Tablet in India. It is powered by Intel Atom Z3735G processor and runs on Windows 8.1 operating system. It comes with an 8 inch HD multi-touch display (1280 x 800 resolution). It gets 1 GB RAM and 32 GB internal storage which is expandable via microSD cars. On imaging front, this tablet comes with a 5 mega pixel primary camera with auto focus and 1.2 mega pixel front facing camera for taking selfies and video calling. It packs a 3788 mAh battery which is claimed to give 11.1 hours of usage time. It includes Wi-Fi 11b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0 as connectivity options. It weighs 385 grams and measures 62 x 132 x 9.48 mm in dimensions.
Salora Arya A1 Plus- Price, Features, Specs And Details
by Deepali Sharma •
Salora International Limited’s smartphone brand, Arya has launched its latest entry level smartphone- Arya A1 Plus in India. This smartphone is powered by 1.3 GHz Mediateck MT6582 Quad-Core processor with Mali-400MP GPU and runs on Android 4.4.2 KitKat operating system. It features a 4.5-inch (11.4 centimeters) qHD IPS OGS capacitive touchscreen (960 x 540 pixel resolution).
On imaging front, it sports a 5 mega pixel rear camera with flash, auto focus and 2 mega pixel front facing camera which is quite good for taking selfies and making video calls. It entails 1 GB RAM and 8 GB internal memory which is expandable up to 32 GB and packs a 2000 mAH lithium-ion battery. It includes 3G, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS as connectivity options. Weighing just 145 grams, this phone has dimensions of 13.3 x 1 x 6.6 cm.
Tablet PC
Swipe Slate Pro Launched- Price, Features, Specs And Details
by Deepali Sharma •
Swipe Telecom has launched a new tablet offering in its latest Swipe series- Swipe Slate Pro. Talking about the technical specifications, this tablet is powered by a 1.3 GHz Quad-Core processor and runs on Android 4.4 KitKat operating system. It comes equipped with a 9.7 inch IPS capacitive multi-touch display with 1024 x 768 pixel resolution. It sports a 2 mega pixel rear camera and 0.3 mega pixel or VGA front facing camera. It is enabled with voice calling and packs a 6400 mAh battery. As connectivity options, it includes GPS, 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0.
Acer Liquid Jade and E700- Price, Specs, Details And Video Review
by Deepali Sharma •
Acer has launched two smartphones in the Liquid series- Acer Liquid Jade and E700. Liquid Jade is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6582 processor, runs on Android 4.4 KitKat operating system. It features a 5 inch HD IPS Zero Air Gap display with 720 x 1280 pixel resolution and Gorilla Glass 3 protection. It entails 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of internal storage (expandable up to 32 GB by microSD card). It sports a 13 mega pixel rear camera with an f/1.8 aperture, auto focus, and 1080p HD video recording and a 2 mega pixel front facing camera. It includes 3G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth and Micro-USB as connectivity options. It packs a 2100 mAh battery and the dimensions of this smartphone are 140.5 x 69 x 7.5 mm.
Tablet PC
Lenovo S8 Tablet- Price, Specifications, Features & Details
by Deepali Sharma •
Lenovo has launched its S8 Android tablet in India. It is powered by Intel Atom Z3745 processor and runs on Android KitKat 4.4 operating system. It features an 8 inch Full HD IPS (283 PPI) display with 1920×1200 resolution. It sports an 8 mega pixel rear camera with f2.2 aperture and 1.6 mega pixel front camera. It entails 2 GB RAM and 16 GB ROM which is expandable up to 64 GB through microSD card. It packs a 4290 mAh Lithium ion battery. It includes Voice Calling, WiFi and 4G LTE as connectivity options.
Micromax Canvas Selfie Announced For India- Price, Specs & Details
by Deepali Sharma •
Micromax has unveiled its selfie smartphone- Micromax Canvas Selfie in India. This smartphone is powered by 1.7 GHz Tru-Octacore processor and runs on Android KitKat 4.4 operating system. It features a 4.7 inch HD IPS display with corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection. It entails 2 GB RAM and 16 GB internal memory expandable up to 32 GB. The USP of this smartphone is its camera, it sports 13 mega pixel camera on both the rear and front ends with flash and Sony Sensor. It packs a 2300 mAh battery. It includes Wi-fi, Bluetooth 4.0, 3G and GPS as connectivity options.
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Long Terms User Review & Impressions
by Rohit Khurana •
After using the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 for over 3 weeks as my primary phone, I have a lot more to share than the first impressions and features. Which is why I write this post here with some of the key experiences of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 here. I will talk more about the experiences and quality I get from this phone rather than number crunching here. Lets get started.
Design, Feel and Build
If you are upgrading to a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 from other Samsung phone (except Galaxy Alpha), or any other regular phone, you will feel a world of difference when you hold the phone in hands. Just looking at it will not give you that confidence inspiring sturdiness until you hold the phone in your hand and feel the strength of the metal casing all around the Note 4. It feels solid, strong and very sturdy as soon as you pick it up in your hand. Yes, you may find it big and bulky if you are coming from a small phone, but if you are already using a 5 inch or larger display phone, you won’t notice the bulk. In the nutshell, the phone is very nicely built and feel very good to hold. I have also accidentally dropped it a couple of times with almost no visible damage at all. So when it comes to design, feel and build, Note 4 has got the right balance.