Intex technologies is set on roll with its consecutive Aqua series smartphone launches in India. Now Intex has launched its latest smartphone- Intex Aqua Xtreme in India. With just 6.99 thickness, this smartphone is the slimmest offering from the company till date. As the name suggests this smartphone comes with extremely good features. Be it the performance, design or battery of the phone, it excels in every front and delivers a smooth and efficient performance. Its mere 6.99 mm thickness makes it more easy to handle.
Speaking on the launch, Sanjay Kumar Kalirona, Mobile Business Head, Intex Technologies, said, “Intex has always ensured superior quality products for consumers. Keeping in mind the cluttered market of feature rich phone, Aqua Xtreme is purely pragmatic in nature. With the launch of Xtreme, we intend to provide high-end features to users at a remarkable price to mass market. Xtreme is a combination of supreme configuration device which users willingly to pay.”