Spice has launched its latest smartphone Spice Stellar 431 in India priced at Rs. 3,499. The dual-SIM Stellar 431 comes with five vibrant rear cover panels and is targeted towards young customers in India. It further offers 3G connectivity to keep the users always connected. The handset is powered by 1.0 GHz Dual-core processor coupled with 512 MB of RAM and runs on Android 4.4 KitKat operating system. It features a 4 inch capacitive touch screen display with 480 x 800 pixels resolution. Read on to find more information on specifications, features and availability of Stellar 431.
Oppo Mirror 3 Launched In India: Price, Specs & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
Oppo has launched its latest smartphone Oppo Mirror 3 in India which was launched earlier in China as Oppo 3000. Apart from rich configuration, the Mirror 3 features an attractive back cover with dotted design which is protected by scratch resistant UV coating. The back of the handset thus, looks elegant with three dimensional effects of 0.5 mm dots. Under the hood, Mirror 3 is powered by 64-bit 1.2 GHz Quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon MSM8916 processor accompanied with 1 GB of RAM and Adreno 306 GPU offering smooth performance to the users. It features 4.7 inch HD IPS display with 1280 x 720 pixels resolution and runs on Android 4.4 KitKat operating system with ColorOS 2.0.1 on the top. Read on to find more information about specifications, features, price and availability of Mirror 3 smartphone.
Featured, Smartphone
Asus Zenfone C vs Xiaomi Redmi 1s vs Motorola Moto E: Specifications & Features Comparison
by Deepali Sharma •
Asus has launched its latest budget smartphone Zenfone C in India priced at Rs. 5,999 which is available through Flipkart. It will be available at Asus stores in the country starting from 18th February 2015. Zenfone C will compete with the likes of Xiaomi Redmi 1s and Moto E in the Indian smartphone market. If you are confused among these handsets, then we are here to help you choose the best! In this post, we will take you through the comparison of Zenfone C with its rivals. Read on to find how Asus Zenfone C vs Xiaomi Redmi 1s vs Motorola Moto E compare with each other in specifications and features.
Asus Zenfone C Launched In India: Price, Specs & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
The Asus Zenfone C which was launched in Malaysia last month in January 2015 has now made its debut in India. The budget smartphone Zenfone C comes powered by Dual-core Intel Atom CloverTrail Z2520 processor clocked at 1.2 GHz. Running on Android 4.4 KitKat operating system with Zen UI, this handset features a 4.5 inch FWVGA TFT display with 480 x 854 pixels resolution. Read on to find more information on specifications, features, price and availability of the dual-SIM Zenfone C smartphone.
MTS Introduces Homespot Instant Wi-Fi Solution
by Deepali Sharma •
MTS has announced its entry in home Wi-Fi segment with the launch of Homespot Instant Wi-Fi Solution, dubbed as ‘Common Man’s Wi-Fi’. This product targets the small families with people in 16-35 years age group, especially in 2 tier and 3 tier cities who require internet connections on their multiple devices at home. To remind you, MTS is a telecom service provider brand under Sistema Shyam TeleServices Limited (SSTL). With the launch of this product, MTS has expanded its offering from dongle services to providing Wi-Fi solutions. Read on to find more information on MTS Homespot Instant Wi-Fi solution.
ZTE N919D Goes On Sale In India Exclusively Via eBay: Price, Specs & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
ZTE has launched its latest budget smartphone ZTE N919D in India. The handset is available exclusively through e-commerce portal eBay India. The device supports both both CDMA EVDO & GSM technology. Additionally, the N919D comes bundled with attractive offers for Reliance communications subscribers. The existing as well as new RCom subscribers will be offered unlimited data for three months on purchase of this device. Read on to find more information on specifications, features, price and availability of this device.
Samsung Galaxy J1 Goes On Sale In India: Price, Specs, Features & Details
by Deepali Sharma •
Updated on 11th February 2015
The Samsung Galaxy J1 smartphone is now available in India. The Galaxy J1 is priced at Rs. 7,190 and can be grabbed via Amazon India in Black, Blue and White color options. The handset comes bundled with data offers for Reliance Communications and Aircel 3G/2G subscribers worth ₹600 and free content package on Starsports.com worth ₹1,400. Read on to find more information on specifications, features and other details of this smartphone.