Microsoft has launched its Lumia 640 XL and 640 smartphones in India. Both handsets were showcased at Mobile World Congress event 2015 in Barcelona. Priced at Rs. 15,799, the Lumia 640 XL can be grabbed from both offline and online channels in the country while Lumia 640 carries a price tag of Rs. 11,999 and is exclusively available through e-commerce retailer In this post, we have pitted these two handsets against the Lumia 730 phone which was released in India back in 2014. If you are confused about which handset to buy, check out this post to find out how Microsoft Lumia 640 XL vs Lumia 640 vs Lumia 730 compare with each other in specifications, features and price.
Samsung Galaxy S6 & Galaxy S6 Edge Now Up For Sale In India
by Deepali Sharma •
Updated on 10th April 2015
Samsung launched its flagship smartphones Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge in India in March 2015. Both handsets were up for pre-orders through online retailers like Flipkart, Snapdeal and Amazon India while they are now available for sale can be grabbed at price starting at Rs. 49,900. Based on storage, both devices will be available in three variants- 64 GB, 32 GB and 128 GB. Read on to find detailed information on specifications, features and price of the handsets.
Oppo A31 With Snapdragon 410, LTE Support Launched: Price, Specs & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
Oppo has launched its new budget smartphone Oppo A31 with LTE support in China. The dual-SIM device is powered by 64-bit quad-core Qualcomm MSM8916 Snapdragon 410 processor clocked at 1.4 GHz paired with 1 GB of RAM and Adreno 306 GPU. Running Android 4.4 KitKat operating system wrapped under ColorOS 2.0.1, the handset features a 4.5 inch FWVGA IPS display with 854 x 480 pixel resolution. It sports an 8 mega pixel primary camera with LED flash and a 5 mega pixel front facing camera.
Tablet PC
Dell Venue 10 7000 Tablet Launched: Price, Specs & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
Dell has expanded its tablet portfolio with the launch of Dell Venue 10 7000 tablet. Tha tablet flaunts its sleek design and comes with a backlit keyboard which enables the customers to use it in various modes namely- tablet, slate, stand, tent or clamshell. Additionally, the tablet also features front facing stereo speakers. Coming to specifications, the Android 5.0 Lollipop based Venue 10 7000 is powered by a quad-core Intel Atom Z3580 processor accompanied with 2 GB of RAM and features a 10.5-inch OLED display with 2560 x 1600 pixel resolution.
HTC One M9 Likely To Launch In India On April 14: Specs, Features & First Impressions
by Deepali Sharma •
Updated on 9th April 2015
HTC has started sending out invites for its April 14th event in Delhi where it is likely to launch the HTC one M9 phone. The invite sent by the company reads ‘unveiling brilliance’ and that it is ‘ready to showcase the most exciting revelation in the history of smartphones’. We expect HTC to reveal pricing and availability details of the handset at the same event. To recall, HTC One M9 is HTC’s flagship phone which was unveiled at Mobile World Congress 2015 event in Barcelona. Read on to find more information on specifications, features, price and availability of the device.
Featured, Smartphone
HTC Desire 826 vs Gionee Elife S7 vs Samsung Galaxy A7: Specs & Features Compared
by Deepali Sharma •
HTC launched its Desire 826 phone in India earlier this month. The handset is priced at Rs. 25,990 and will be available through major retailers across the country. The Desire 826 is a mid-ranged phone and will compete with the likes of Gionee’s latest flagship phone Elife S7 and Samsung Galaxy A7. If you are confused about which phone to buy, then check out this post to make an informed decision. Read on to find out how HTC Desire 826 vs Gionee Elife S7 vs Samsung Galaxy A7 fare against each other in terms of specs, features and price.
HTC Desire 626G+ Launched In India At Rs. 16,900: Specs & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
HTC has announced the launch of its HTC Desire 626G+ Dual-SIM smartphone in the Indian market. Running Android operating system wrapped under HTC Sense UI, it features a 5-inch HD display with 1280 x 720 pixel resolution. The device is powered by an octa-core processor clocked at 1.7 GHz paired with 1 GB of RAM. It sports a 13 mega pixel auto focus rear camera with f/2.2 aperture, BSI sensor and LED flash while there is also a 5 mega pixel front facing camera with f/2.8 aperture and BSI sensor onboard.