South Korean tech giant Samsung has had quite a history with exploding phones. Back in new 2016, during post-Galaxy Note 7 launch, various reports had surfaced across the world of the smartphone exploding. Now recently, a new incident has occurred. A woman in Detroit has complained that her Samsung Galaxy burned her car down in flames.
Yahoo Messenger To Close Down, Squirrel App Beta-Testing In Progress
by Neelav Chakravarti •
Verizon-owned company Yahoo is going to close down its instant messaging app Yahoo Messenger on 17th July 2018. Users will be redirected to the company’s new group chat app Squirrel.
Honor GPU Turbo Tech Claims To Improve Graphics Processing Efficiency And Reduce SoC Energy Consumption
by Neelav Chakravarti •
Huawei sub-brand Honor launched its new hardware-software integrated graphics acceleration technology to upgrade the graphics performance of its smartphones– GPU Turbo. The Honor GPU Turbo tech is said to improve graphics processing efficiency by 60%. It also reduces consumption of SoC energy by 30%.
Reports Allege That VPNFilter Malware Has Begun To Affect More Routers
by Neelav Chakravarti •
Alleged Russian created malware, VPNFilter has been said to have infected at least 500,000 networking devices. Now it has been said to have grown. Reports have alleged that it has affected a large list of routers. They are from vendors including Asus, Huawei, and D-Link etc.
iOS 12 Live Listen Feature To Be Expanded On AirPods Soon
by Neelav Chakravarti •
Cupertino-based tech giant Apple’s iOS 12 will process a preloaded Live Listen feature on AirPods. iOS 12 Live Listen feature on AirPods will let users stream microphone audio from iPhone, directly to their ears.
Google Lens Android App Rolled Out, But Not Compatible With Many Devices Yet
by Neelav Chakravarti •
Google Lens has been given an Android app. It was just some time back when it was enhanced due to the addition of real-time detection and smart text selection. The Google Lens Android app enables direct access to Google Lens directly from an Android device’s home screen.
Apple Announces iOS 12 In WWDC 2018 With Many New Features
by Neelav Chakravarti •
Cupertino-based tech giant Apple revealed its iPhone and iPad operating system (iOS 12) at WWDC 2018 on 4th June 2018. Other than iOS 12, the Tim Cook-led company introduced many new features like ARKit 2 and Siri.