Lenovo has launched new range of 2-in-1 Yoga Laptops in India. Targeting students in the country, the new series comprises of Yoga 300, Yoga 500, Yoga 3 14 and Yoga 3 Pro convertible laptops. All these 2-in-1 Intel powered Windows 8.1 laptops feature 360 degree flexibility for use in different modes.
The Yoga 300 tablet PC is powered by a quad-core Intel Baytrail processor and features an 11.6-inch HD touchscreen display. The Lenovo Yoga 500 is powered by Intel 5th gen Core i7 paired with Nvidia Gfx graphics and sports 14-inch full-HD touch screen display. Both Yoga 300 and Yoga 500 come equipped with integrated speakers with Dolby Home Theater and Wi-Fi support.
Lenovo Yoga 300