Recently we reported that Gionee launched their flagship device Gionee Dream D1 in India. Now Gionee launched two devices a feature phone L800 and an entry level smartphone Gionee P1. Gionee is a China based mobile phone manufacturer. The feature phone L800 has java support and it comes with pre-installed apps like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger, cricket, Opera Mini and more. The good thing is that it come with the 3000 mAh battery support that can standby up to 30 days with a single charge. It has 2.8 inch display with 240 x 320 pixels resolution. The phone has dual SIM (GSM+GSM) feature too with dual standby. Talking about the storage it has 64 MB RAM with 128 MB internal storage. The phone is available in Black and Golden colors with price tag of INR 2,599.
Key Features
- 2.8-inch display with 240 x 320 pixels resolution
- Dual SIM with dual standby
- Java operating system
- 1.3 MP rear camera
- 64MB RAM
- Wireless FM support
- 3000 mAh battery
- 3.5 mm jack
- Pre-installed apps Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger, cricket, Opera Mini
- Priced at INR 2,599
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