LG’s previous flagship Optimus G Pro before G2 had launched in India this summer 2013. The smartphone is an advancement to Optimus G which was launched last year sometime around Nexus 4. Optimus G Pro has one of the best specifications among the smartphones available here in India packing with quad-core processor, full HD display, high resolution camera and lots of software advancements. We reviewed the device and have got our views ready for you which can be read below.
Celkon Monalisa ML5 Quad-Core Android Launched in India for Rs. 10,999
by Hans Gogia •
Celkon Mobiles has recently announced their new addition called as Celkon Monalisa ML5. Monalisa ML5 smartphone is a quad-core Android running Jelly Bean mobile operating system having all the good specifications to compete in the market.
Apple Launches New iPhone 5C And iPhone 5S- Price, Features And Details
by Rohit Khurana •
Apple has announced its new generation iPhones, iPhone 5C and 5S in San Francisco on 10th of September 2013 among a large gathering of media. The new device offers new features and an enhanced operation system version of iOS called iOS 7. The new iPhone has been launched with new hardware, software and accessories to make it even more attractive.
The iPhone 5C is targeted at larger audience as it has been priced more competitively compared to the more premium and top of the line iPhone 5S which features faster hardware, graphics and more premium construction. Read on for more details in the sections below.
Nokia 208 Now Available For Rs. 5,299 in India
by Hans Gogia •
Nokia had announced the 208, an affordable feature phone along with the Nokia 207 back in July 2013. Today we found that the product listed on the online retailer Snapdeal showing its status as available.
Waterproof, Scratch Resistant & Child Proof Mobile Phone Review- Sony Xperia Z
by Rohit Khurana •
Sony had launched Xperia Z earlier this which was company’s first waterproof and dustproof flagship model with top notch specifications. Though late we finally have a review and a cool demo of the demo of the water dunk, dust resistant test and shatter proof test of the android device. More can be read below in the review.
Huawei Ascend Mate Review : Buy it or Not?
by Rohit Khurana •
Huawei Ascend Mate is a 6.1-inches phablet device which was launched on 18th June 2013. Inspite of having the 6.1 form factor it is still think and packs a lot of powerful features. Huawei being the fourth largest smartphone manufacturer has undoubtely done its best in the device and therefore have got a lot more to flaut which can be read more in the review below.
Intex Aqua HD Available in India for Rs. 15,900
by Hans Gogia •
Adding one more OEM to the budget Android range running Android JellyBean, Intex launched their flagship Android smartphone called as the Aqua HD that appeared on the official website earlier this week. The phone now is ready to ship from the online retailer Infibeam in India for Rs. 15,900.