Sony has launched its latest flagship phone the Sony Xperia Z Ultra in India on 18th of September 2013. This is just few weeks after the official global launch that it has been brought to India. The Xperia Z1 is an even more powerful phone than the predecessor Xpeia Z which has been popular because of its shatter proof glass and water resistance.
The Xperia Z1 also features a full HD 1080p display with 5 inch screen covered by a shatter-proof glass which makes it touch and kid-proof. It is also water resistant up to 1 meter depth of water for 30 minutes and is IP58 compliant. The phone is powered by a powerful 2.2 GHz quad core CPU by Qualcomm snapdragon 800 series chipset. It has 2GB RAM, 16 GB internal memory and a super solid built which sets it apart from the competition.