Samsung Galaxy Note 4 launched earlier this year has been quite much into news lately. We reported about the Gorilla Glass 4 protection used in this device last week. Now, Note 4 has again been caught into rumours. According to Geekbench, Samsung may launch a new variant of this phablet with Qualcomm’s upcoming 64-bit Octa-Core Snapdragon 810 processor instead of current Snapdragon 805. The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 With Octa-Core Snapdragon 810 has reportedly been spotted testing on several carriers in South Korea. It is rumoured to be tested on carriers like LG+, SKT, and Olleh to name a few.
As per the reports, the upcoming Note 4 with SM-N916S model number is expected to be powered by 1.55 Ghz Octa-Core ARM Qualcomm MSM8994 processor accompanied with 3 GB of RAM while it will run on latest Android 5.0 Lollipop operating system.