Handset maker Xolo has launched its new budget smartphone Xolo Q520s in India, expanding its Q series. This smartphone is now listed on company’s official website and is available at affordable price. This dual-SIM device under the hood is powered 1.3 GHz Quad-Core MediaTek MT6582M coupled with 512 MB of RAM and Mali 400 GPU. It runs on Android 4.4 Kitkat operating system and features 4 inch WVGA IPS display with 400 x 800 pixels resolution an 233 ppi pixel density. Read on to find more information on specifications, features, price and availability of this device.
Featured, Smartphone
Best Built Smartphones You Can Buy Right Now
by Harsh Gupta •
Smartphones come in all shapes, sizes and different materials ranging from glossy plastic, unibody metal to actual leather. The materials used on the smartphones render their own unique personality to the device and play a major factor for consumers when buying one. Along with the overall performance of the device, a bad build can make or break a device. Apart from the high end flagship devices, this aspect of the device gives an added value for consumers looking for device specially in entry level and mid range price bracket. We present you the handsets with great build quality you can buy right now.
Lava Iris X1 Grand & Iris X1 Mini Launched: Price, Specs & Details
by Deepali Sharma •
Expanding its X1 series, Lava has launched its two new smartphones Lava Iris X1 Grand & Iris X1 Mini in India. Iris X1 Grand is the variant with 5 inch display while X1 Mini is the 4 inch variant. Following the foot steps of Iris X1 smartphone which was launched last year, these newly launched devices flaunt their high end design and offer impressive features to the users at affordable prices. Read on to find more information on specifications, features, price and availability of these smartphones.
Image- Lava Iris X1 Grand
Featured, Smartphone
Samsung Galaxy E7 vs HTC Desire 820 vs OnePlus One: Specs & Features Comparison
by Deepali Sharma •
Samsung has recently launched its A and E series of selfie-focused smartphones namely, the Samsung Galaxy E5, E7, A3 and A5. These devices come with attractive features and will compete with other smartphones in the Indian market. In this post, we will compare newly launched, mid-ranged Samsung Galaxy E7 with HTC Desire 820 and OnePlus One to help you decide which among the three devices is better for you. Read on to find how Samsung Galaxy E7 vs HTC Desire 820 vs OnePlus One compare with each other in terms of specifications and features.
Featured, Smartphone
Top Gaming Smartphones You Can Buy Right Now
by Harsh Gupta •
Gaming has been one of the most used features on smartphones these days. With a wide variety of mainstream gaming titles available on the market right now, there’s something for everyone ranging from nifty board games to full fledged FPS shooting titles. Smartphone graphic processor units (GPUs) have received a major performance boost in the previous years and you can play graphic intensive games in HD resolution with buttery smooth frame rates. Gaming smartphones generally feature great displays, powerful CPU/GPU along with great App ecosystem for titles. We present you the round up of top gaming smartphones you can buy right now.
Lava Iris 470 Launched: Price, Specs, Features & Details
by Deepali Sharma •
Lava has launched its new smartphone Lava Iris 470 in India. This dual-SIM device is powered by 1.3 GHz dual-core processor coupled with 512 MB of RAM and runs on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean operating system which is rather an outdated operating system. It features 4.5 inch FWVGA IPS display with 854 x 480 pixels resolution. On camera front, it sports a 5 mega pixel auto focus rear camera and a 0.3 mega pixel front facing camera. Read on to find more details on specifications, features, price and availability of this smartphone.
Lava Iris 350 Launched: Price, Specs, Features & Details
by Deepali Sharma •
Handset maker Lava has launched its new smartphone Lava Iris 350 with 3G support in India. The device is now listed on company’s official website. Under the hood, this dual-SIM device is powered by 1 GHz Single-Core processor coupled with 256 MB of RAM and Mali 400 GPU. Running on Android 4.4.2 KitKat operating system, it features a 3.5 inch HVGA TFT display with 320 x 480 pixels resolution. Read on to find more details on specifications, features, price and availability of this smartphone.