Oppo has launched its much anticipated smartphones Oppo R7 and R7 Plus at an event in Beijing. Under the hood, both handsets are powered by a 64-bit octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 processor paired with Adreno 305 GPU. Coming to the display, the R7 sports a 5-inch full HD AMOLED (1920×1080 pixels) display while the R7 Plus features a larger 6-inch full HD AMOLED (1920×1080 pixels) display.
As for the design, both devices feature metal body with 6.3mm (Oppo R7) and 7.75mm (Oppo R7 Plus) thickness and 2.5 arc edge screen. Both devices sport a 13 mega pixel rear camera and an 8 mega pixel front shooter. Rear camera on the Oppo R7 comes with LED flash and auto focus while the larger variant is equipped with dual-LED flash and laser auto focus.