Swipe Telecom, the California based electronics maker has been on a launching spree in the Indian market for a while and going ahead with that, has launched a budget tablet, named the Halo Value which will sell for Rs.6,990. The company launches tablets under the Halo range of tablets and the latest member of the Halo family will be on sale at the time you would be reading this news and you can order it of Swipe’s e-store right away.
The 7 inch tablet has a display resolution of 480×800 pixels and runs on Android Jelly Bean. It will have the dual SIM functionality and will have the calling ability via 2G for both the SIMs. You can also connect with your friends through video calling courtesy the VGA camera in the front and you also get a 2 MP rear snapper as well. The budget tablet will have a 1.5 GHz processor as its heart to give it the ability to run your applications.