Zen Mobiles, another player in the budget smartphone market in India has just launched their budget quad core smartphone offering, the Zen Ultrafone 701 HD in the Indian market. The smartphone has not been launched officially but has gone up for ordering on Snapdeal.com which seems to be thier exclusive partner for the launch of the device. The smartphone has a lot going in its favour and might give Zen a strong footing in the market.
As the named suggests, the smartphone will have a HD screen. It comes with a 5 inch screen of 720p resolution like the Canvas HD. The price of the smartphone has been kept Rs.11,999 and is being offered with a screen guard, a spare back panel and a flip cover. It can be pre booked by paying a paltry sum of Rs.101 and it is expected to start the shipping by the time the third week of March ends which is not too far.