Lava has launched its latest smartphone, called the Lava X28. Under the hood, it packs a 1.3GHz quad-core processor coupled with 1GB RAM. Running Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system, it features a 5.5-inch HD IPS display with 1280×720 pixels resolution and 267ppi pixel density.
Tablet PC
iBall Slide Cuboid With 8-inch HD Display, 4500 Battery Launched At Rs. 8,999: Specifications & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
iBall has launched its latest Slide series tablet- iBall Slide Cuboid. Under the hood, it packs a 1GHz quad-core processor paired with 2GB of RAM. It features an 8-inch IPS display with 1280×720 pixels resolution and runs Android 5.1 Lollipop operating system.
Huawei P9 vs Apple iPhone 7 Plus vs LG G5: Clash Of Dual Camera Flagships
by Deepali Sharma •
Camera has become primary concern of buyers these days. Since smartphones, due to their portable design and superb camera capabilities have replaced DSLRs and digital cameras, it is evident that smartphone makers will have to keep equipping their phones with the most advanced camera technology.
But are the smartphone makers making enough efforts for the same? When we don’t get a single decent camera on a phone, Huawei has launched its Huawei P9 smartphone with brilliant dual rear cameras.
Samsung Galaxy A9 Pro 4GB RAM, 5000mAh Battery Launched In India: Details & Hands On Video
by Deepali Sharma •
Samsung has launched a new A series smartphone in India. Called the Samsung Galaxy A9 Pro, the phone is loaded with high-end specifications. It flaunts its premium glass back with metal frame and also comes with a fingerprint sensor for additional security.
Reliance Jio JioFi 4G Hotspot With OLED Display Launched At Rs. 1,999
by Deepali Sharma •
Reliance has silently introduced a new variant of Reliance Jio JioFi 4G hotspot with OLED display. The device is available to buy from offline stores in a few cities across the country.
A Twitter user has shared the images of the JioFi 4G hotspot that provide a closer look at the device as well as its cylindrical packaging in Blue and Red colors. The JioFi 4G hotspot has a rectangular matte finish design with smooth edges. The front side of the device has an OLED display and Jio branding while the rear part says- ‘Designed in India’.
LeEco Epic 919 SuperFans Festival Comes To India
by Deepali Sharma •
After the tremendous success of Epic 919 SuperFans festival in China, LeEco has brought its popular online shopping festival to India. Starting midnight of September 19, 2016, the LeEco Epic 919 SuperFans festival will be available for 24 hours on and Flipkart. Read on to find out exciting offers that will be available during the festival.
Zopo Color F1 With Fingerprint Scanner Launched For Rs. 8,890: Specifications & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
Zopo has launched its latest Color series smartphone- Zopo Color F1, in the Indian market. The main highlight of this phone is that it features a fingerprint sensor, which apart from unlocking the phone, can also be used to control music, movies, pictures, camera and more.