Vivo has launched its selfie focused smartphone, called the Vivo V5 Plus, in India. The main highlight of the phone is that it features dual camera set up on the front. It sports a 20 mega pixel front facing camera with Sony IMX376 sensor, f/2.0 aperture and 5P lens and a secondary 8 mega pixel camera for capturing stunning selfies. The front camera is also capable of producing ‘Bokeh’ effect.
Featured, Gadgets
Buyer’s Guide: Tips To Pick Right Power Bank For Your Smartphone
by Deepali Sharma •
Our smartphones act like mini computers for us. Right from simple tasks like making calls and sending messages to surfing internet, watching movies, capturing selfies, posting on social media like Facebook and Twitter, finding out fine dine places nearby and know the weather, for all these tasks we rely on our smartphones. Wherever we go, we take our mobiles with us. But what if you are outside and the battery of your smartphone dies. This problem can be solved by using a power bank.
With numerous power banks available in the market, it is evident for you to get confused. Thus, with this post, we will help you pick the right power bank for your smartphone. Read on to find out our buyer’s guide entailing things to consider while buying a power bank for your smartphone.
Lenovo Phab 2 Pro Tango-Enabled Smartphone Launched In India For Rs. 29,990: Specifications & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
Lenovo has finally launched its much awaited Lenovo Phab 2 Pro smartphone in India. The main highlight of the smartphone is that it is world’s first Google Tango-enabled smartphone. The phone aims to combine the augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experience together and turns the surroundings of the user in virtual reality space.
Samsung Galaxy J2 Ace Listed Online For Rs. 8,490: Specifications & Features
by Deepali Sharma •
Samsung has silently introduced its Samsung Galaxy J2 Ace smartphone in the Indian market. The smartphone has been spotted listed as ‘Coming Soon’ on a website named OnlyMobiles. There is no mention of exact availability date of the smartphone on the website, however, it does reveal the specifications, features and price of Samsung’s latest Galaxy series smartphone.
Lenovo Unveils Business Focused Devices At CES 2017
by Deepali Sharma •
At CES 2017, Lenovo introduced a host of business focused products such as ThinkPad Family X1, Ideapad Miix 720 and more. In case, you missed Lenovo’s major announcements at CES 2017, then don’t worry. Read on to find out the complete list of all the business products that Lenovo unveiled at CES 2017.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 vs Redmi Note 3 Comparison: What’s New
by Deepali Sharma •
Xiaomi has launched the successor of Redmi Note 3, called the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4, in India. While Redmi Note 3 is one of the most popular smartphones in the Indian market, will its successor be able to achieve the same? What new features and upgrades does it bring with it to entice customers? Let’s find out in this post. Scroll down to find out how Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 vs Redmi Note 3 compare with each other in terms of design, specifications, features, performance, camera, battery life and more.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Launched In India: Price, Specifications & Hands On Review [With Video]
by Deepali Sharma •
Xiaomi has finally launched its much awaited smartphone, called the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4, in India. It succeeds the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 and comes with numerous upgrades and improvements over the predecessor. Read on to find Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 hands on review (with video) with details on design, specifications, features, performance, camera and more.