LG has launched its latest high-end smartphone in the V series, dubbed the LG V10. Highlight of this phone is its secondary display and dual front facing cameras. It sports a 5.7-inch QHD IPS display with 2560×1440 pixels resolution and 513 ppi pixel density which is the main screen of the phone. Additionally, there is also a secondary 2.1-inch IPS Quantum display towards the top on the front of the phone. The secondary screen has resolution of 160×1040 pixels and pixel density of 513 ppi.
Under the hood, it is powered by a hexa-core Snapdragon 808 processor clocked at 1.8GHz paired with Adreno 418 GPU and 4GB of RAM. On software front, it runs Android 5.1.1 Lollipop operating system.